Sunday, September 21, 2008


I am starting this as a diary for myself for two reasons: to make myself accountable and to track my progress.

On Friday I went to the Weightloss Doctor. My baby is 8 months old, I lost 30 lbs right after she was born and since then I have put 15 back on. I am tired of the yo-yo. The doctor suggested the
excellerated program including releana, an appitite suppressant and supplements in addition to a low calorie diet. I am excited and anxious to see how it is going to go, while dreading it at the same time. So on friday I weighed 186.5lb. And I can tell you that is not muscle weight. Here's the plan:

Day 1 & 2 (Saturday and Sunday) Begin Releana, 5 drops in the morning and 5 drops in the evening (seperated by 12 hrs) Eat what ever you want, you don't start the diet until the releana is in your system good.

Days 3 until Goal Weight: Releana in am and pm follow strict releana diet.

The Diet:
Breakfast: 1 apple or orange, 1/2 grapefruit or 6 strawberries

Lunch and Dinner: 1 palm size piece of meat (chicken, no skin, no fat, Lean pork loin, lean steak, veal or non-fatty fish) and 3 1/2 oz of the following veggies green leafy vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, cauliflor, yellow squash, brocolli or red cabbage

snack: same as breakfast (the must be 6hrs apart)

Drinks: unlimited no calorie, no fat, no sugar. 10 glasses of water (my doctor suggest drinking it ice cold because your body burns 40 calories just heating it up to body temp, that's 400 calories a day, more that you burn in an hour of running)

And that is it. Makes me hungery just typing it. So here goes...

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